I have once again linked up to Kelly's blog for a little "Show Us Your Life Friday!". Today's topic is a "A Day in the Life" so brace yourselves for lots of exciting, nail biting, edge-of-your-seat type of situations.
Totally kidding, by the way.
But here is what I do on a daily basis (or at least during the weekdays).
6:30 am - Alarm goes off
6:45 am - I actually get out of bed and stumble to the shower. Next is makeup, hair, and trying to find
something to wear to work even though I have NO CLOTHES.
7:45 am - The nanny arrives and I head out for work. Sometimes Charlotte is awake, but most of the time she is still snoozing when I leave for work. No morning kisses. :(
8:00 am - Arrive at work, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed! Again, totally kidding. And if I'm being completely honest, the time should read 8:05.
10:00 am - I work in sales, so my goal is to be out of the office by this time. From then until about 3:00 I make cold calls, ride the market, check in with existing customers, take meetings, etc.
5:00 pm - Head home to my second job
5:15 pm - Get to my house and spend a little time with Charlotte. Most afternoons Charlotte, Charlie (the dog), and I usually head outside until it gets dark. Sometimes I have a glass of wine on my neighbor's porch while the kids and dogs play in the yard.
6:00 pm - Start dinner
6:30 pm - Charlotte eats dinner and watches Disney Jr. while I get our dinner ready. I try not to cook a separate meal for her because I want her to eat things besides french fries, chicken nuggets, and mac n' cheese, so she typically eats whatever we are going to eat with a few minor adjustments. (Although sometimes I do just slap a PB&J together because it's easy and I'm running behind)
7:00 pm - H and I try to eat dinner. Charlotte is normally tormenting our poor dog, watching Disney Jr, and running around like a madwoman
7:30 pm - Bath time and bedtime routine
8:00 pm - Our pjs are on so we usually go upstairs to the playroom. It's easier to relax up there and wind down from the day without quite as many distractions
8:30 pm - Bedtime!
After 8:30 pm - This is when I clean the kitchen, fold some laundry, and do the general tidying up. I try to catch up on my DVR'd shows at this point, too. I'm a multitasker, what can I say?
10:30 pm - I'm usually already in the bed at this point, but I'm either reading or watching television.
11:00 pm - Out like a light, ready to do it all over again the next day!
And that's it! Just like "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" except without the Botox and jaunts on private planes to Las Vegas.
If you are wondering where H is during all the this...who the heck knows?!?! Just kidding, but he works a swing shift where it's 2 weeks of nights, then 2 weeks of days. Sometimes he is home and sometimes he isn't, so it's hard to do a "typical" day or night with him. Let's just conclude there is a lot more ESPN and a lot more yelling. But also a lot more laughter and a lot more fun!
I hope you enjoyed a day in my life! I'm not saving the world or saving lives on a daily basis, but I'm pretty happy with the little life we've built for ourselves. And luckily, I can't wait to wake up and do it all over again next week!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
11 months ago
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