Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Recap

My parents came to visit this past weekend, and we had such a nice time! H had to work the night shift this weekend, so it was nice to have some company and some help as we "got out of the house".

Friday night Charlotte and I met them at Olive Garden for some tasty Italian. I know the OG has a lot of haters, but I'm not one of them. Sure, I've had better Italian food, but for the price and the selection (and who can forget that glorious salad!) you just can't beat it!

Charlotte was SO excited to see them-especially her Meme. She just grins and squeals when she sees my mom! Dad and I can't figure out what all the fuss is about, but Charlotte is definitely a fan! :)

Saturday we had breakfast at the local Waffle House and took an early-morning stroll around the neighborhood, which is always a favorite of my parents. They don't really relax very well, and sitting on the couch watching reruns of Beverly Hills 90210 is NOT their idea of a great Saturday. We had accomplished all of this before 9 am, which is pretty impressive for me considering our typical Saturday morning involves microwave pancakses, Beverly Hills 90210 and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

I will be accepting my "Mom of the Year" Award any day now, thanks.

After my mom woke Charlotte up from her morning nap, we headed to the lovely town of Fairhope to enjoy the beautiful day. We took the Scenic Route, which my dad and I always prefer, then we settled in for lunch at Panini Pete's. The food was delish and it gave Charlotte a chance to run around outside in the courtyard as we ate. She had a great time and ate her weight in hand-cut french fries.

This is Charlotte just taking a little break

Dad, Charlotte, and I after a yummy lunch

After a good hour in the locally-owned and operated toy store-and only one small purchase-we did a bit more shopping for the adults. I've been on a search for the perfect boot for about three years now, and I'm sad to admit it still eludes me. It actually doesn't elude me, it just costs $328 and I'm too cheap to buy them. But I think I'm just gonna bite the bullet and DO IT. I've rationalized it in my mind that since I haven't bought any new boots in the past three years, if I add up all that money I would have spent on them over the seasons, then it justifies the expense. Right? Right! (Plus my mommy MIGHT have given me a little bit of money toward the purchase! But shhh...don't tell my dad. Or my husband, cause I still have to come up with the rest!)

When we got back home, I cooked a nice, well-balanced dinner of BBQ chicken quesadillas for us and we watched the Auburn game. I was proud of my Tigers, but I sure wish it would have gone our way. We could have used that boost of confidence!

Sunday morning we rose early. Again. And went for another stroll before my parents headed back home. Every time they leave it makes me a little homesick and wish that they lived closer. Not too much closer, but maybe just a little bit closer! Haha!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Loss and Gain

Welcome back! Sorry it's been a while since I've written anything, but it sure felt nice to hear from a few friends that I was missed. As usual, we've been busy. Life is just full of well, life these days--work, housework, errands, traveling, etc.

There have been some new "happenings" in our little family. Some are good, some not-so-good. First of all, my first-born fur baby, Lois, passed away VERY unexpectedly. I can't even type the words without tearing up. I loved her so I can't even hardly put it into words. When I first moved to Mobile I knew no one but H and his family. All of my wonderful friends and family were almost three hours away. So I did what lots of homesick girls do--I got a dog.

And she was the best dog in the whole wide world. Full of spunk and love. She was truly a Lab trapped in the body of a dachsund/terrier/mutt body. There hasn't been a day that has gone by that I haven't thought about her and missed her warm cuddles. Trust me when I tell you that baby is missed terribly by quite a few people.

On a good, yet equally unexpected, note--Baby #2 is on the way! Yikes! I'm not sure if fear or excitement is the predominant feeling at this point. It's been fluctuating back and forth between the two on an hourly basis.

I'm glad Charlotte is going to have a sibling that will be close to her in age. I hope they are best friends. I hope they learn from each other and fight with each other and take up for each other. I'm excited for Christmas mornings and family vacations.

But I'm really scared. How will I be able to handle my high-stress job and two babies under two? How will I keep my sanity and not end up talking to myself while curled up in the fetal position in a corner? How can we afford private school for two kids? How can I go through LABOR again!?!?! I keep telling myself that God doesn't give you things you can't handle. And I tell myself that this is a wonderful blessing and I should be giving thanks. I know. I am. But I can still be a little afraid of what's ahead, too. That's just normal, right?

I can't even fathom what it's like to have that type of bond with someone. I've never shared that feeling with anyone. Sure, I've got best friends that have been there since I can remember, but I still know it isn't quite the same thing as a sibling. How will I handle the rivalry and jealously? How will I spread my love and attention fairly between the two? What if I really do have a favorite?

These are just a few of the thoughts (terrors!) that fly through my mind a million times a day. Yet amazingly enough, the main feeling is just excitement. Now that the initial shock has worn off!